Dolores Cumley’s sculpture was created out of cement and entitled “Origins”. Her main goal for this piece was so children could play on it. Cumley studied at The University of Houston and Rice University. She was featured in many group exhibitions and is still in many private collections. Cumley was a member of the Texas Society of Sculptors until her death in 1987.
(historic photo from the Liberty Hill Sculpture Symposium Archive, photos of Origin by Moon Reece) Thursday, October 21, 2021
Dolores Cumley To Attend Symposium
Born and reared in the midwest, Dolores has devoted most of her life to artistic pursuits. In her early years she was a professional dancer. Later she worked in photography. After devoting several years to the demands of raising a family, she became intrigued with sculpture and would start working after her family retired and continue until early morning hours. She took formal training in Houston and has continued to study to date.
Her sculptured creations are largely expressions of. mood, whether basically anatomical figures or non-objective structures. Some of them, somber in tone and presentation;- reflect a deep concern for the contemporary human predicament.
This was particularly true of her work during the period of the nuclear bomb the period of the nuclear bomb scare.
Her figures usually presented with their heads down and in an humble or religious attitude. The mood prevailed for several years; occasionally during this time some figures evolved which were light, even frivolous and which virtually shout a release from care and the problems of the planet. But whether happy or depressed, her sculptured subjects are intense: her bronze dancers are in utter abandon, her dominate males dominate wholly.
Dolores prefers to work large. Some of her more impressive creations are outdoor sculptures — Moebuis Form and others — done on concrete. She is presently developing a 10-foot male figure in concrete, a reflection on the human condition.
Perhaps as a release from the more demanding discipline associated with sculpting, Dolores finds pottery making pure fun. The wheel presents a physical challenge; the mixing and firing of glazes offer constant surprises. While sculpting is a deeply personal and religious experience which makes heavy demands upon the psyche, potting is a happy, smiling activity filled with joy for everyone. Between the two, Dolores finds balance and harmony in her professional life.
Mrs. Lumley is married to a professor of The University of Texas at Houston, their home is on the shore of Lake Austin. They have two married children, Dunham and Rosemary, both of whom are also creative.