Harry Noordhoek

1976 Harry Noordhoek and Michelle Murphy with Fluidity in its originally intended position before it was damaged





Page 6 July 4, 2021

A Canadian citizen of Dutch extraction, Harry Noordhoek held his first professional exhibition in 1934. In 1968 he was elected to the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts and he established a permanent studio in Carrara, Italy the following year.

He has held the following one-man shows: Galerie  le  Gobelet, Montreal, Quebec; Galerie Soixante, Montreal, Quebec; La Musee d’ Art Contemporain, Montreal, Quebec; Circle Gallery, London, England and Galleria 80, Bocca di Magra, Carrara, Italy.

Some of the principal exhibitions which he participated in were Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Quebec; Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec; Botanical Garden ‑
Confrontation ’65, Montreal, Quebec; 2nd Outdoor Exhibition of Sculpture-Shakespearian Festival, Stratford, Ontario and the 89th Annual Exhibition-Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Hamilton, Ontario and Edmonton, Alberta.

He also participated in the 6th International Biennale of Sculpture-City of Carrara, Italy; 6th International Open Air Sculpture Exhibition, Legnano-Milan, Italy; Gallery Buerdeke, Aurich, Switzerland and Galleria George, Florence, Italy.

Other exhibitions included Contemporary Art, Villa Simes, Padova, Italy; International Art Fair, Dusseldorf, W. Germany; Volksbank, Meschede, W. Germany; Ring 68, Cologne, W. Germany and Schneider Gallery, Baden Baden, W. Germany. He  also participated  in  the
National Exhibition of Marble, International Sculpture  section, Carrara, Italy.

Symposiums that he has participated in are 1st International Symposium of Sculpture, Montreal, Quebec; 1st Provincial Symposium of Sculpture, Alma, Quebec and Plastik 4 International Symposium “Steel, Stone & Word,” Homburg - Saar, W. Germany.

Noordhoek won the following prizes and awards from 1965 to 1968: The Sir Otto Beit Medal for sculpture of special merit for the year - 1965; Acquisition Prize, Contours Artistique, Musee de Quebec, Canada;  Arts Award for one year’s work in England and Arts Award for one year’s work in Italy. In 1972, he received the Renato Colombo Gold Medal for a personal exhibition of sculpture and the President of the Republic of Italy gold medal for sculpture. (photo copyright by Gaby)



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