Tom Piccolo’s limestone sculpture Blanco Mujer incorporates wood that has aged over the years resulting in ever changing textures.
Tom Piccolo studied at Texas Tech in Lubbock and North Texas State College in Denton. His first sculpture was shown in the Fall of 1974 at the North Texas Regional, shortly after in 1976 he was listed in the Who’s Who in American Art. Piccolo has had numerous one-man shows in Colorado, Texas and Minnesota. He currently lives in Dallas, Texas.
Page 6 March 1, 1976
Tom Piccolo
Dallas Sculptor Piccolo To Come To Symposium
Wood is the preferred medium for sculptor Tom Piccolo. And he has indicated he will carve in wood when he comes to Liberty Hill for the International Sculpture Symposium to be held in October and November of this year.
Born in Connecticut, Piccolo was trained in Texas and now lives and works in Dallas. His wife, Sharon Corgan - Leeber, is also a sculptor and will accompany him to Liberty Hill in the fall to work in welded steel.
Piccolo attended both Texas Tech in Lubbock and North Texas State in Denton. His first sculpture was shown in the Fall of `74 at the North Texas Regional. He is listed in Who’s Who In American Art, 1976-78, and the American Art Directory `76.
In addition to wood, Tom Piccolo also carves in stone, silver and gold. His one man shows include the Gargoyle Gallery, Aspen, Colorado in the Winter of 1974; Angelo State University, Winter 1975, that also included a workshop; Contemporary Gallery, Dallas, October 1975; Sol del Rio, San Antonio, which is scheduled on March 7, 1976. He will also show at the Westbank Gallery in Minneapolis, Minnesota and at the Fall of 1976.
“It makes you feel good if someone comes up and caresses your pieces,” Piccolo told Dallas art critic Janet Kutner. The remark would seem to indicate he carves for a tactile as well as a visual impression.
In a Dallas News review, Kutner said “Piccolo deals extremely sensitively with solid mass versus negative or vacant space; yet utilizes the rotted portions of trees as ration rather than allowing them to hinder his progress.”
A variety of tools is used by Piccolo when carving in wood. Chain saws, pocket knives, files, hatchets, chisels and electric equipment are utilized.
Each piece is hand finished with extremely high - grit sand paper, followed by application of multiple coats of oil and a final coating of paste wax. Usually the wood is left its original color.
In addition to Piccolo and his wife, seven other sculptors have accepted invitations to attend the Liberty Hill International Sculpture Symposium scheduled from October. 11 through November 30, 1976.
The Symposium planned and, promoted by the recently organized Liberty Hill Cultural Affairs Council.
Photo caption: Dallas sculptor Tom Piccolo meticulously finishes one of his wood carvings. Piccolo will be one of twenty sculptors who will spend six weeks working on monumental sculptures at the Liberty Hill Sculpture Symposium in October and November of 1976.
We have a wood sculpture that has Piccolo on the back and was wondering if we could find out if Tom Piccolo is the artist. I will be happy to send a photo. Thank you, Valerie
Yes please, I don’t alway check the messages here but I do check the email for the park. If you wouldn’t mind sending a picture of what you have? Our email is